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Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, Core. More...

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class  scGridPoint
 This class implements the autonomous grid point functionality: it is a communicating GridPoint. The communication interface is implemented in scIGPMessage_if. More...


bool IsMemory (ClusterAddress_t CA)
 If it is any kind of memory.
bool IsMemory0 (ClusterAddress_t CA)
 If it is memory 0 (register)
bool IsMemory1 (ClusterAddress_t CA)
 If it is memory 1 (cache)
bool IsMemory2 (ClusterAddress_t CA)
 If it is memory 2 (I/O buffer)
bool IsMemory3 (ClusterAddress_t CA)
 If it is memory 3 (convential, "far")

Detailed Description

Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, Core.