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Detailed Description

This is the first group

The neural-related classes and functionality


file  AbstractTopology.h
 Function prototypes for the topology of electronic module, placed on a die. It is just math, to physical modules.
file  ClusterBusRequest.h
 The description of the inter-cluster messages.
file  ClusterBusTypes.h
 The description of the inter-cluster states.
file  Clustering.h
 Topology information for the electronic modules arranged in a cluster.
file  GridPoint.h
 Topology information for the electronic modules arranged in a grid.
file  scClusterBus.h
 The header of the bus arbiter.
file  scClusterBus_blocking_if.h
 The inter-cluster blocking IF.
file  scClusterBusArbiter.h
 The header of the bus arbiter.
file  scClusterBusArbiter_if.h
 the interface of the
file  scClusterBusDirect_if.h
 The inter-cluster bus direct access header.
file  scClusterBusMemoryFast.h
 The fast ("Register") type memory.
file  scClusterBusMemorySlow.h
 The fast ("Register") type memory.
file  scClusterBusSlave_if.h
 The inter-cluster bus states.
file  scGate2Input.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, Core.
file  scGatesProcessor.h
 Function prototypes for the topology of electronic modules, placed on a die. It adds sc facilities – gridpoint to gridpoint communication – basics of cooperation.
file  scGatesSimulator.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, simulator main file.
file  scGPMessagefifo.h
 This FIFO stores temporarily the messages from other gridpoints.
file  scGridEnumTypes.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, simulator main file.
file  scGridPoint.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, Core.
file  scHThread.h
 Hardware threads (HThreads) for scGridPoints.
file  scIGPCB.h
 The Inter-GridPoint Communication Block.
file  scIGPfifo.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, inter-gridpoint FIFO.
file  scIGPMessage.h
 Basic messaging forms between scGridPoints.
file  scIGPMessage_if.h
 Functionality of scIGPMessage-related stuff.
file  scLatchFIFO.h
 Function prototypes for the EMPA simulator, LatchFIFO.
file  scProcessor.h
 Function prototypes for the topology of electronic modules, placed on a die. It adds sc facilities – gridpoint to gridpoint communication – basics of cooperation.
file  scSimulator.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, simulator main file.
file  scSimulator.h
 Function prototypes for the scEMPA simulator, simulator main file.
file  scTimedFIFO.h
 Function prototypes for the.


class  AbstractTopology
struct  ClusterBusRequest
 A GridPoint can be addressed also by its cluster address of type ClusterAddress_t. More...
struct  CoreExecute_t
 Instruction-execution related variables. More...
struct  CoreFetch_t
 Instruction-fetching related variables. More...
struct  CoreStage_t
 Variables passed between fetch/execute. More...
struct  QTattributes_t
 This structure stores the quasi-thread related attributes. More...
class  scHThread
 The scHThread class. More...


enum  HThreadPreference_t
enum  ThreadOperatingBits_t {
  tob_Regime, tob_Allocated, tob_PreAllocated, tob_Blocked,
  tob_MemoryExpected, tob_DataExpected, tob_FetchPending, tob_FetchValid,
  tob_ExecPending, tob_MorphFetched, tob_Morphing, tob_PCAffected,
 the names of the bits in the bitset More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HThreadPreference_t

enum typedef HThreadPreference_t

These preference modes can be selected when asking for a new scHThread

◆ ThreadOperatingBits_t

enum typedef ThreadOperatingBits_t

the names of the bits in the bitset


The thread is working in "Modern" mode.


The thread is allocated for another thread.


The thread is allocated for another thread.


The HThread is blocked for some reason.


Set when asked for data transfer from memory.


The core can wait either for data memory or instruction memory.


A fetch for this thread event was started, but not yet finished.


If this thread has a valid prefetched instruction.


The EXEC for this thread was issued, but not yet terminated.


The fetched instruction is a morhphing instruction.


Executing a morphing instruction.


If PC is affected by the instruction.


The HThread is observed (by the simulator)